Tuesday, December 14, 2010

I Hit A Runner's High Today!

This morning on my run I hit that elusive runner's high about 6.85 miles into an 8 mile run. It is hard to describe the feeling, but it is close to the best feeling you can get with your clothes on.

I was running barefoot. Totally barefoot. I like to run 6-9 miles on Tuesdays barefoot to help maintain my barefoot running form. My Thursday and weekend runs, usually longer distances, are with Vibram Five Fingers, either the KSO Remix or Bikilas.

I had just rounded a corner heading back towards the entrance to my neighborhood and I got this tingly sensation all over, sort of like goose-bumps, but not the same. I picked up the pace and my lungs felt like they had infinite capacity. It was a short run for me so my legs felt fine, but what little sensation I had in them totally went away. I kept accelerating until I was sprinting only on the balls of my feet. If my feet were making any noise striking the sidewalk, I couldn't hear it. I couldn't feel it either. It was like I was running on plush carpet with just the sensation of gliding forward. I had an uncontrollable grin on my face. I must have looked like a total moron to the line of cars waiting at the light as I was running sprinting past.

The whole sensation lasted just over a minute. I gradually slowed back down to my normal pace and only then did I realize I was a bit short on breath. It took another minute or so for everything to return to normal as I ran the last mile of the run.

It is an incredible feeling. I've only felt it once before about 12 miles into a 24 mile run. I wish I knew how to replicate it. It is like giving your car a burst of nitrous oxide.

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