Friday, December 16, 2011

Don't Run Like This Dude, Run Like The Chick

Jason Robillard has an interesting post on why we should be running like the image on the right, not the image on the left.

When you look at shoe ads or see some show, move or commercial with a runner in it, they almost always look like the guy on the left. I'll admit, it sure looks like he is going faster. Just look at that long stride!

The odd thing is, 30-40 years ago, no one ran like this. So-called running shoes hadn't been invented yet so there were no shoes with absurdly thick "cushioned" heels. If you ran in racing flats like the guy on the left, you'd be in pain withing minutes.

Think you should be training your body to run this way? Try this little experiment Jason describes: "Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart.  Jump up in the air.  While in the air, straighten your legs, lock your knees, and land on your heels.  When you land, it hurts like Hell.  Now do the same thing except bend your knees and land on the ball of your foot.  WHOA!  YOUR FEET AND LEGS ACT LIKE SHOCK ABSORBERS!!!  Hot damn, it’s almost like your legs were designed to work that way!"

Yet people hurl their bodies on their locked leg that is over-extended in front of them all of the time and then wonder why shin splints, runner's knee, plantar fasciitis and other maladies often associated with running show up.

Head over to Jason's post and look at the other six examples of why the chick on the right is doing it right. He also explains why it is OK to use the term "chick" in this context.

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